about stevie sisson


Stevie Sisson is an abstract & impressionist artist painting out of her home studio in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia.

Inspired by the natural beauty of the Annapolis Valley and the East Coast, Stevie's work blends emotional depth with visual storytelling.

Her paintings feature layered washes and bold textures on raw canvas, with familiar subjects like birds and seashells emerging from abstract backgrounds. This combination of abstract and impressionist elements allows Stevie to explore the emotional resonance of everyday moments.

Stevie's artistic process is intuitive and experimental. With different pigments and techniques, her palette is constantly evolving to reflect her inner world. Each piece is a snapshot of a specific moment in time, often titled with thoughts and impressions from her personal experiences.

Artist Statement:

"my paintings draw from the emotions and experiences in my own life, which are then interpreted through an abstract lens. using colour, texture, and symbolic subjects like birds and shells, i aim to capture the feelings in everyday experiences. my titles often reflect my personal thoughts, dreams, and beliefs. i believe in the value of a fleeting moment and the stories they tell about our understanding of self and the world around us."